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Planning Board Minutes 02/14/05
Planning Board Meeting
February 14, 2005

In attendance: William Meegan-chair, Russell Walton, Mitchell Posin, Edward Kenyon.
Public: Doug Hoehn, Ron Mechur, David Damroth, Mary Boyd, Warren Doty, John Abrams, Ron Rappaport, Derrill Bazzy, Steve Schwab, Zelda Gamson and Deborah Cini.

William Meegan opened the meeting at 4:30p.m.

William requested a moment of silence for Annabel Dietz who passed away over the weekend. Annabel was an active member of the Planning Board for over 25 years.

The minutes from December 13, 2004 and January 10, 2005 were postponed due to inappropriate quorum-members present were not those who were at those meetings.

Doug Hoehn made an informal presentation regarding Map 33 parcel 45, 79 currently owned by the Robinson’s.  Doug mentioned there are three owners of this property, which was acquired as two parcels; they would like to subdivide the land into three separate lots. The total acreage on the property is 11.75  acres. This lot has been here prior to subdivision regulations. The question before the Planning Board is could this be a Form A or a Form C?  It was discussed if it is to be presented as a Form A is there enough frontage for all three proposed lots? A pre-existing road layout runs the entire length of the property on the north side, but very little of the actual traveled roadway lies in the layout. There are also roads or sections of roads to the South and East sides of the property. The Planning Board was also concerned about the density of the property if they were to allow guest homes on the property.   The issue was postponed for further discussion.

John Abrams and Derrill Bazzy of South Mountain Company came to the Planning Board to discuss the Middle Line Road project. The question before the board is whether a Form A or a Form C is appropriate. The plan is to subdivide the 21 acres into 4 lots or 9 lots. The question of the roadway with came up. Ron Rappaport stated that a 40-foot ROW is not required in the subdivision regulations. In the case of Middle Line Road turnouts would have to be created.  Warren Doty stated that the town has the right to create them. What they would like to see is if the Planning Board could amend the subdivision regulations for affordable housing. John Abrams stated that the conceptual plan is to have shared wells and shared septic systems.

The Planning Board signed the a lot release for Walter Meinelt, for lot number 4. In November 2004, the Planning Board voted to release two lots, Lot #2 and another then unspecified. Mr. Meinelt has now requested release of lot #4. This is the second lot. The total of lots released for the Mayhew-South Road Trust Subdivision is now three.

The meeting adjourned at 6:00p.m.
Deborah Cini respectfully submits these minutes.